„A hospital is more than just a hospital:
▫ When it offers patients, whatever their situation, the conditions for personalized, modern care offering the best chances of recovery;
▫ When it is a home for all those involved in healthcare, whether they care for patients in hospital, in the city, or in nursing homes;
▫ When it takes into account the special place of families in the patient’s care process as a decisive element in the road to recovery;
▫ When it is resilient and agile enough to maintain its capacity to provide care despite crises, whether linked to an epidemic, a lack of resources or a cyber attack;
▫ When it embraces modern medicine, supports innovation and digitalization, and trains its staff for the changes to come.
In the final analysis, it’s every day that a hospital is more than just a hospital, because every day, our teams face at least one of the situations described above and find the resources to provide comfort and care to patients and their families, despite the difficulties and challenges they face.”